Eshkeneh Spinach

Eshkeneh Spinach

One of the oldest, traditional Iranian foods is Eshkeneh Spinach, which was a popular dish in the past. If you are looking for a delicious meal in Tehran, do not miss eating this food in a traditional restaurant. Be sure to try this tasty food once. This food is a great choice for cold seasons because it protects the body against microbes.

Eshkeneh Spinach is an easy delicious dish and can be prepared in a short time with a few ingredients. You can prepare this food quickly any time you want. Eshkeneh Spinach is also one of the traditional foods of Tehran and is very healthy due to its high nutritional value. You know that spinach is rich in iron and is very effective in treating and even preventing anemia. Try to get your children used to eating such healthy vegetarian foods as well. Especially since children are growing, they need such substances more than anyone else. There are various types of spinach dishes that you can cook, but Tehran’s Eshkeneh Spinach is so delicious, easy and quickly prepared. It is good to prepare this tasty nutritious food for your family sometimes and enjoy. So join us in how to prepare Tehran’s Eshkeneh Spinach.

Ingredients are: potatoes, spinach, flour, water, small onions, eggs, sumac (optional), salt, turmeric and black pepper.

Step 1

To prepare this delicious Eshkeneh, first wash the spinach, then put it in a strainer and allow the excess water to drain completely. Then put the spinach on the cutting board.

Step 2

Now, mince the spinach. Then add it into a proper pot and put it on low heat, then add half a glass of water and let it cooks completely.

Step 3

At this stage, peel the onion, wash and chop it into thin slices. Then put a suitable pot on low heat and pour some liquid oil into the pot.

Step 4

At this stage, immediately add the onion and sauté until it get light and golden, then add flour along with cooked spinach, salt, black pepper and turmeric to the onion and keep sautéing.

Step 5

Now add water to the spinach mixture and let it boil. Meanwhile, peel the potatoes and wash them, then dice and add them to the pan.

Step 6

At this stage, when the potatoes get half-cooked, add the sumac water and mix. Then add the eggs into the pot on the Eshkeneh so that it does not lose its shape.

Step 7

Now put the pot lid and let the Eshkeneh to integrate and the egg get fully cooked. When it’s done, turn off the heat and serve it like Abgosht, with crumbled dry bread.

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Eshkeneh Spinach